Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Foodborne Illnesses: The Primary Reason Why You Should Ensure That Your Broiler Is Heating Properly

by Cathy Fields

When fish, beef, or chicken is undercooked, very nasty foodborne illnesses can result. Thankfully, broiling is a very effective way to remove the risk of infection  because it cooks food at an extremely high temperature.

If your broiler is broken, however, you will likely under-cook these foods and place your customers at a greater risk of contracting food poisoning. Regularly inspect your broiler to ensure that it is cooking at the temperature that it should. Here are some of the most common foodborne illnesses that can result from dishes undercooked because of a broken boiler.


Broiling is one of the best ways to prepare fish of all kinds, including shellfish, finfish, lobster, and scallops. Broiling gives seafood a crisp outer layer while still keeping the meat tender and flavorful.

Fish should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees. Undercooked fish and shellfish are the leading sources of food poisoning here in the United States, and if your broiler is not heating your foods at a high enough temperature, you are putting your customers at risk. The histamine and ciguatoxin found in fish are two of the most common sources of food poisoning in America, but proper cooking will not remove the risk. Yet, undercooked fish pose additional infection risks as well.

  • Vibrio Infections: Two forms of Vibrio infections are common in undercooked fish. This infection causes diarrhea, cramping, and abdominal pain; in people with weakened immune systems, a Vibrio infection can lead to more serious symptoms, like fever and shock.


Broiling steak is a great alternative to grilling. Steaks, chops, and roasts should be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees, and ground beef should be cooked to a temperature of 160 degrees. Ground beef poses the greatest risk of contamination.

  • Escherichia Coli: This bacteria lives in your intestines, but if you eat undercooked meat contaminated with it, you can be sick for up to ten days. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and cramping.

  • Salmonella: At least 42,000 Americans are infected by salmonella each year. Eating infected undercooked meat can lead to diarrhea, cramping, and fever.


Broiling is a very versatile way of cooking chicken. There are so many ways to broil chicken, but the internal temperature should always reach 165 degrees. Unfortunately, undercooked poultry is a leading cause of foodborne illness.

  • Campylobacteriosis: Undercooked chicken can cause campylobacteriosis, an infection resulting in bloody diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Perfringens Food Poisoning: This foodborne illness is common in buffets. Undercooked food that is left out for long periods of time become breeding grounds for Perfringens, which causes severe abdominal pain, nausea, and cramping.


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Choosing The Perfect Caterer

You might love that spicy Indian cuisine, but how will your elderly Aunt Carol feel about it? One of the most common mistakes that people make as they plan events is choosing the wrong caterer. Food can make or break your event, which is why it is important to find the perfect food service partner. As you peruse my website, I hope that you can learn more about what will make your party special. By carefully selecting your event menu, you can treat your guests to a lovely meal, without breaking the bank or ending up with extra leftovers later.
