Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Hamburger Patty Machine – Cut Your Prep-Time Drastically

by Cathy Fields

People love portable food — anything that you can grab and eat on the run — it keeps many Americans fed throughout their busy lives. Put it on a bun can they will come. Weighing and shaping meats for burgers of different types can take a lot of time out of your day — unless you get yourself a hamburger press. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you choose the burger press that'll work wonders for your sandwich artistry and cut the time it takes to prep the burgers greatly.

Burger Size

Hamburger patty machines come in various shapes, forms and sizes. You can find a machine to create single burgers that are 4-inches round and ¼ inch thick — or you can find them to make single burgers that are larger. You can also find machines that'll help you produce multiple burgers at a time, so if your business is growing, you'll be able to keep up with demand.

Tip: If you make different types of sandwiches in patty form, look for a model that does allow for different sizes. This makes it possible to use the same piece of equipment to make your hamburgers, veggie burgers, turkey burgers and crab cakes in a single machine — after cleaning it of course.

Ease of Care

Some of these presses need to be completely disassembled to properly clean them. Look for a model that boasts its ease of care. These are the machines that will come apart and snap back together quickly after all of the parts have been cleaned.

Parts and Repair Availability

Before you buy anything, take the time to read up about the company that's producing it, as well as look into customer reviews about the product, as well as the company. Look for information that will tell you if anyone has had problems with the company or the equipment that they sell. Buying shoddy equipment is one thing, but when you buy it from a company that doesn't back up their products, you could be headed for a headache that you could live without.

Watch Videos

Lots of times, you can find videos of how to use the exact machine that you're considering. Check online for any user videos so you can see exactly what you're getting before you get it.

Hamburger moulder equipment can cut your prep-time substantially. Imagine what you'd do with all of that time that you'd typically spend standing there creating uniform patties — surely there's something better to be done.


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Choosing The Perfect Caterer

You might love that spicy Indian cuisine, but how will your elderly Aunt Carol feel about it? One of the most common mistakes that people make as they plan events is choosing the wrong caterer. Food can make or break your event, which is why it is important to find the perfect food service partner. As you peruse my website, I hope that you can learn more about what will make your party special. By carefully selecting your event menu, you can treat your guests to a lovely meal, without breaking the bank or ending up with extra leftovers later.
