Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Three Types Of Vending Machines To Consider Adding To Your Office

by Cathy Fields

Adding vending machines to your office provides your employees with a variety of options on days that they haven't brought a lunch to work or when they're in need of a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Many offices have one or more vending machines in their breakrooms, but you can situate these machines in a variety of other locations, too — in a lobby, for example. One of the benefits of adding vending machines to your office is that there are many different types of machines available, so you can get creative with the following options.

Healthy Food

A lot of people enjoy reaching for a treat such as a candy bar or a bag of chips during the workday. While you might want to have a vending machine that dispenses this fare, you should also think about providing your employees with some healthy alternatives. A staff member who chooses healthy snacks may not suffer from the sugar crash that someone who snacks unhealthily may encounter. A vending machine that is stocked with healthy food choices can have such options as nut mixes, dried fruit, protein bars, and other similar items. If your company encourages its staff to stay healthy in various ways, this type of vending machine is a logical choice.

Hot Food

It's also a good idea to consider adding a vending machine that dispenses hot food to your office. Some employees are so busy with projects that they skip lunch and may enjoy being able to dig into something hot when they're ready to take a break. There are many different options for vending machines designed for hot food. For example, some machines dispense individual-sized pizzas that your employees will likely enjoy. This can especially be a good idea if your office is in a location where it's overly cold during the winter. In such a scenario, an employee who returns to the office from a sales call or a meeting may be happy to grab something hot.


There are many different styles of coffee vending machines on the market, including compact models that you can situate on a counter or table instead of on the floor. Your staff may appreciate the ability to have easy access to coffee in the morning, rather than bring their own coffee from home. Additionally, if your employees are frequently leaving the office to buy coffee at a neighborhood shop, they'll now be able to get their coffee without interrupting their workday nearly as much — something that you'll appreciate.


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Choosing The Perfect Caterer

You might love that spicy Indian cuisine, but how will your elderly Aunt Carol feel about it? One of the most common mistakes that people make as they plan events is choosing the wrong caterer. Food can make or break your event, which is why it is important to find the perfect food service partner. As you peruse my website, I hope that you can learn more about what will make your party special. By carefully selecting your event menu, you can treat your guests to a lovely meal, without breaking the bank or ending up with extra leftovers later.
