Choosing The Perfect Caterer

Choosing The Perfect Caterer

  • Three Types Of Vending Machines To Consider Adding To Your Office

    Adding vending machines to your office provides your employees with a variety of options on days that they haven't brought a lunch to work or when they're in need of a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Many offices have one or more vending machines in their breakrooms, but you can situate these machines in a variety of other locations, too — in a lobby, for example. One of the benefits of adding vending machines to your office is that there are many different types of machines available, so you can get creative with the following options.

  • Hamburger Patty Machine – Cut Your Prep-Time Drastically

    People love portable food — anything that you can grab and eat on the run — it keeps many Americans fed throughout their busy lives. Put it on a bun can they will come. Weighing and shaping meats for burgers of different types can take a lot of time out of your day — unless you get yourself a hamburger press. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you choose the burger press that'll work wonders for your sandwich artistry and cut the time it takes to prep the burgers greatly.

  • Special Event Seafood Lunch Ideas

    If you want to treat your friends and loved ones to a special treat, plan a seafood-inspired lunch menu for your next special occasion. To save time and ensure the highest quality meal, have your favorite local seafood restaurant cater the event. Although a seafood-based menu isn't the most budget-friendly option, hosting a lunch rather than a dinner will help you cut down on costs while still giving your guests a delicious meal.

  • How To Store Various Fruits And Vegetables To Preserve Freshness

    When trying to decide what container to place your food product in, you will may find that there are conflicts between how you want to present your product and what will help your product last the longest. The proper way to store food products to prolong their freshness really depends on the specific product, since different fruits and vegetables produce different gases and vary in how they react to moisture.

  • How To Plan A Great Wedding Reception For Your Daughter Right At Your Own Home

    Does it seem like just yesterday that you were enrolling your little girl in kindergarten? Now the years have flown by and you are probably having mixed emotions about her getting married. Part of you is excited that she has found the man of her dreams, while another part of you may be overwhelmed about the fact that you have a wedding and a wedding reception to plan. As you plan the reception, here are some ideas that might inspire you and your daughter to plan something that the newlyweds and others who attend will remember with delight for the rest of their lives.

  • About Me

    Choosing The Perfect Caterer

    You might love that spicy Indian cuisine, but how will your elderly Aunt Carol feel about it? One of the most common mistakes that people make as they plan events is choosing the wrong caterer. Food can make or break your event, which is why it is important to find the perfect food service partner. As you peruse my website, I hope that you can learn more about what will make your party special. By carefully selecting your event menu, you can treat your guests to a lovely meal, without breaking the bank or ending up with extra leftovers later.
